This Website is Maintained by Your Reunion Committee and is Dedicated all classmates of the Graduating Classes of 1960
CHARLES H. MILBY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL opened in 1926, making Milby the oldest school in the HISD system! It is also the largest school in the HISD system.
The MILBY CLASS OF 1960 was the first Milby graduating class to have its own website. This site was started in 1999 and has been diligently maintained by your reunion committee.
Since 1985 we have kept a computerized data base of all of our classmates in the MILBY CLASSES OF 1960. No other Milby graduating class can claim that accomplishment.
The software format of this database has changed over the years but we have kept as accurate records as possible of our classmates. That is no small accomplishment considering the constant state of flux due to often changing addresses, home phones and email addresses. Alumni move away from and sometimes back into our geographical area. Please try to remember to notify us of an such changes, preferably beforehand but after the move also works.
Our list of alumni is broken down into three categories.
As of February 1, 2010, of the approximate 530 alumni, we have:
404 KNOWN CONTACTS for Classmates:
58 MISSING or LOST Classmates and
69 DECEASED Classmates!
The numbers on this list are constantly changing, with more classmates slipping into the Missing or the Deceased Classmates column.
If you would like a copy of the most current Class Directory, available as a MISCROSOFT OFFICE WORD.doc
When necessary I can convert those files to a MICROSOFT EXCEL file.
If You Have Any Interesting Facts About MILBY HIGH SCHOOL please E-mail Us! Your Suggestions and Contributions Will Be Included In Future Updates and Your Contributions Will Be Acknowledged.
Please help make sure all of your classmates with whom you have kept in contact know of this website. Please call those Class of 1960 alumni and give them Our URL Internet Address, Tell Your MILBY friends! Spread the news throughout cyberspace.